What’s New!

What is Happened in 2024

On June 8, 2024, Attorney Smith spoke on a panel  on “The Dream Team, Helping with Transition Using the Collaborative Law Process” at the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts 61st Annual Conference  in Boston, Massachusetts.

Ms. Smith taught Family Law at Suffolk University in the College of Arts and Sciences in the Political Science and Legal Studies Department in the Spring Semester 2024.

What Happened  in 2023

Community Service Program

On September 26, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:30 P.M., Ms. Smith participated on a panel on called “Pathways for Hope: Navigating Suicide Prevention Together” during Suicide Prevention Month at the Watertown Free Public Library.   For More Information about this program, please visit:  https://samaritanshope.org/event/pathways-for-hope-navigating-suicide-prevention-together

2023 Virtual Organic Landscaping Series
Community Service Programs

Ms. Smith was the moderator and facilitator at the 2023 Virtual Organic Landscaping Series for the Watertown Free Public Library on March 16, 2023, April 20, 2023, May 18, 2023 and June 15, 2023 from 7-8:30 P.M.

Here is the link for the program held on March 16, 2023, with Jim Agabedis, from Minuteman Landscaping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xj9N7zMXIWM

Here is the link for the program held on April 20, 2023, with Denise Breiteneicher from Mass Water Resources Authority :

Here is the link for the program held  on May 18, 2023 with Sara Evans, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Environmental Medicine and Public Health who spoke on “the latest science on how pesticides impact health, children’s unique vulnerability, and steps that families can take to reduce pesticide exposures:” https://youtu.be/OXCIKDO8dHk

Here is the link for the program held on June 15, 2023 with Chip Osborne who presented on “how municipalities can make a commitment to caring for public lands without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, including examples from the towns of Wellesley and Marblehead. Fear of failure is a common limiting factor to a more widespread adoption of organic practices. Just as one needs education to manage with chemicals, education is needed to manage with alternative practices”.

Suffolk University class on Diversity, Acceptance and Wellness

Ms. Smith taught Diversity, Acceptance and Wellness at Suffolk University’s Winter Session from December 2022 to January 2023.

What Happened in 2022

On September 14, 2022, Attorney Smith was the moderator and presenter at the Professional Development Workshop for Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation, Inc.  on
“How Women Revolutionized Marriage and Divorce: History and Emergent Issues in Law and Mediation” with April White, author of The Divorce Colony: How Women Revolutionized Marriage and Found Freedom on the American Frontier.

On May 13, 2022, Attorney Smith spoke virtually on a panel Discussing Conflict, Culture and the Collaborative Process at the Roundtable for the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council.

What Happened in 2021:

On September 30, 2021, Attorney Smith spoke  virtually on a Panel, on Guardianship of Minors for the Annual Massachusetts Guardians Association and Social Law Library Conference.

On May 14, 2021, Attorney Smith presented virtually at the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council, Inc.’s Roundtable training on “Using Social Media to Address Bias and Diversity in the Collaborative Community” with Attorney Joy Piper.

Attorney Smith taught in the College of Arts and Sciences at Suffolk University on “Diversity, Acceptance and Wellness” in the Winter Session 2020 to 2021 and “Family Law” in the Spring Semester 2021.

In  March 2021, Attorney Smith was relected to the Board of Directors for the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council, Inc. for a two year term ending in 2023.  She is the Co-Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee at the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council, Inc.

What Happened in 2020:

On March 18, 2020, Attorney Smith was elected to the Board of Directors for the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council, Inc. for a year term ending in 2021.She is the Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee at the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council, Inc.

What Happened in 2019:

On November 9, 2019, Attorney Smith spoke on a panel on the topic of Creative Options to maximize money for parents in light of the changes to the tax laws, using mediation and collaborative law processes, during the “Next Generation of Innovation: Divorce Professionals Partnering for Excellence United Catalyst Conference.”  This national conference was sponsored by the Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation, the Association of Divorce Financial Professionals and the Academy of Family Professional Mediators and was held from November 7-9, 2019.

On August 8, 2019, Attorney Smith was reappointed as the Chair of the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Eco-Challenge Task Force for the 2019-2020 Association year.

On May 30, 2019, Attorney Smith was the co-chair and spoke at the 23rd View from the Bench with the Juvenile Judges of Middlesex County sponsored by the Massachusetts Juvenile Bar Association.

On April 7, 2019,  Ms. Smith spoke  for the Massachusetts Justice of the Peace Association on “Contracts.”

On March 25, 2019, Attorney Smith spoke on a panel for the Massachusetts Bar Association in Boston on “Continuity and Succession Planning for Solos and Small Firms.”

On March 20, 2019,  Attorney Smith was the Chair and spoke on a panel for Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education in Boston on  “Separation Agreements, Paternity Agreements and Postnuptial Agreements: Smart Solutions To Family Problems.”

On March 14, 2019, Attorney Smith was elected as a Director on the Board of the Directors of Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council, Inc. for a one year term.

What Happened in 2018:

In September 2018, Attorney Smith was reappointed to be the Chair of the Eco Challenge Task Force for the Massachusetts Bar Association for 2018-2019 Association Year.

In the Spring of 2018, Attorney Smith was appointed to be the Chair of the Eco Challenge Task Force for the Massachusetts Bar Association until August 2018.

On June 13, 2018, Attorney Smith was the Co-chair of the 22nd Annual, A View from the Bench with the Middlesex Juvenile Court Judges.

On April 9, 2018, Attorney Smith chaired and spoke at Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) on “Updating Prenuptial & Separation Agreements in Family Law Cases.”

What Happened in 2017:

On November 15, 2017, Attorney Smith spoke at a Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation Professional Development Meeting on a panel on “Mediating Premarital Agreements: “I Do” or “I Don’t.””

On June 12, 2017, Attorney Smith co-chaired and spoke at the 21st Annual A View from the Bench with the Middlesex Juvenile Court Justices.

On June 2, 2017, Attorney Smith spoke on a panel on  “Protecting Children and Families by Using the Collaborative Law Principles” at the  (AFCC) Association of Family and Conciliation Courts’ 54th Annual Conference, “Turning the Kaleidoscope of Family Conflict into a Prism of Harmony.”

What Happened in 2016:

On April 7, 2016, Attorney Smith spoke for The Divorce Center in Newton on “When unmarried parents separate.” 

On June 23, 2016, Attorney Smith was the Co-Chair  for The 20th Annual A View from the Bench with the Middlesex County Juvenile Justices.

What Happened in 2015:

On March 9, 2015, Attorney Debra Smith spoke at the Watertown Free Public Library in Watertown, Massachusetts on Collaborative Law and Mediation.

On May 4, 2015, Attorney Smith participated in a role play on collaborative law at the Spring Networking and Public Education Event for the Charles River Practice Group of the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council  at the Talk Restaurant in Watertown Massachusetts.

On May 26, 2015, Attorney Smith co-chaired and presented on updates in the case law at the 19th Annual A View from the Bench with the Middlesex County Juvenile Justices in Watertown, Massachusetts.

The  Charles River Practice Group, for the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council, had an event with the Norfolk Practice Group,  on July 13, 2015 in Newton, Massachusetts. Attorney Smith is co-chair of the Charles River Practice Group.

Attorney Debra Smith chaired and spoke on “Paternity and Parentage” for Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education on December 10, 2015.

What’s Happened in 2014:

On January 5, 2014, Attorney Debra Smith was interviewed by Attorney David Rubin on “Talking About The Law” on WCRN 830 AM Radio about mediation, collaborative law and litigation.

On January 22, 2014, Attorney Smith was the Chair and taught at a seminar for Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc. on “Collaborative Family Law” in Boston, Massachusetts.

On March 27, 2014 from 7:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M., Ms. Smith organized and introduced the speaker, Jim Agabedis from Minuteman Landscaping at a seminar on “Organic Landscaping 101” at the Mt. Auburn Club in Watertown, Massachusetts.

On April 1, 2014, Ms. Smith spoke on a panel about Unmarried Parents in Mediation matters at a Member’s Meeting for Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation in Wellesley, Massachusetts.

On April 22, 2014, which is Earth Day, Ms. Smith was one of the co-sponsors for the movie, “Unacceptable Levels.” The movie was shown at the Watertown Free Public Library in Watertown, Massachusetts  on Earth Day.  Dr. Richard Clapp, a professor at University of Massachusetts, Lowell,  led a lively discussion after the movie.   

On Monday, June 9, 2014, Attorney Smith was the Co-Chair and spoke at the View from the Bench with the Middlesex County Juvenile Judges in Watertown, Massachusetts.

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014, Attorney Smith Chaired and spoke on “Zealous Advocacy for Unmarried Parents” for Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education in Boston, Massachusetts.

On Tuesday, September 16, 2014, Attorney Smith spoke at the Metro West Practice Group for the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council on “Issues for unmarried couples using the Collaborative Process.”

What Happened in 2013:

On October 15, 2013, Attorney Smith and Dr. Lynn Cooper presented and led a discussion at the Metro West Practice Group of the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council, Inc. on “Working with the Collaborative Team on Parenting Plans for Divorcing or Unmarried Parents in Light of the New Child Support Guidelines.”

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